Monday, May 02, 2011


Washington Irving is by far, my favorite author. His stories of the Haunted Hudson River Valley, the fictitious Sleepy Hollow, and the legendary Headless Horseman, and so many other memorable characters and situations, have always inspired me, and encouraged a revisiting of our own region.....that I also consider a very enchanted and mysterious place on earth. In case you didn’t know this, the name Bracebridge, was taken from the book of short stories written by Irving. Postal Authority, William Dawson LeSueur, thought so highly of Irving’s work, that he borrowed the name when an application was presented from the citizens of North Falls (now Bracebridge). Not liking the name, he awarded the title “Bracebridge” instead, connecting the town to a huge amount of literary heritage.....without making much of a fuss at all. Irving had only just recently passed on, by the year 1864, when LeSueur named the new post office, and it was meant to be an honor to the pioneer community. It just missed the mark unfortunately, and has never really become the tribute it should have been.....if the historian / literary critic / postal authority LeSueur, had bothered to submit a little attached history.
In future blogs this coming year, I would like to explore reasons I believe Muskoka has a lot in common with the Historic Hudson, not just by name and writer alone. Please join me for some interesting adventures, and expeditions, in-and-about our very haunted and enchanted district of Muskoka.

1 comment:

Malcolm Robertson said...

Hi Ted.
Just discovered your blog and your interesting posts.
They say you learn something new everyday and today I learned about the source of the name Bracebridge, thanks to you.